Lucan Harriers Club Policies
Lucan Harriers AC is committed to ensuring that all young people who participate in sport have a safe and positive experience. The club is committed to developing and implementing policies and procedures to ensure that everyone knows and accepts their responsibility in relation to a duty of care for young people.
Lucan Harriers AC recognises that it is not the responsibility of those individuals working within the club to determine if abuse has taken place, but it is their responsibility to act upon and report any concerns.
If any person within the club has a doubt to this policy’s relevance to their role and duties then please contact one of the clubs Child Welfare Officers.
The Club and those involved with the club will abide by the following principles and statements:
All young people within Lucan Harriers AC, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability, have the right to be protected.
All young people participating in sport have a right to do so in a safe environment.
All adults involved with the club will provide a safe, positive and fun sporting experience for young people.
All volunteers, coaches and officials will understand and be supported in their role and responsibility with regard to the duty of care for young people.
All suspicions and allegations will be taken seriously, managed and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
The club will assist coaches, volunteers and officials to remain up-to-date with the latest safeguarding and child protection issues.
The club will appoint one or more Child Welfare Officers who will be responsible for issues concerning child welfare at the club.
Respect other athletes
Respect for coaches & officials
Remember - this is not the Olympics
Everyone should be allowed the opportunity to do their best
Recognise all efforts made
Below highlights what athletes should NEVER allow happen
Never argue with the coach or an official at an event
Never use foul language especially in front of, or to, a juvenile and do not allow a juvenile to use such language to anyone
Do not disrespect anyone at training or at race meets
Do not show aggressive behavior or threaten anyone
Below highlights the behaviour our athletes should adopt
Train to the best of your ability
Arrive on time and do not distract others from their training
Show respect to all fellow athletes at all times
Our coaches are there to make sure young people learn skills, enjoy the activity and keep safe. It means you should respect young people and consider their safety by:
Being reliable
Being fair and letting them have their say
Making them feel safe
Letting them take part
Encouraging them
Being a good role model
Not showing favouritism
Never condoning bullying or abusive language
Work in an open environment
Adhere to Athletic Ireland’s supervision guidelines (as per the supervision policy)
Holding a register of those who attend each session – Very important from an Insurance perspective
Agreeing to safe recruitment procedures (including vetting)
Coaches and Volunteers must make sure that:
They themselves are Garda vetted through Athletic Ireland
The activity is FUN
You know what you are doing
You work to the Athletic Ireland’s code of conduct
You treat young people as individuals.
Make yourselves familiar with and sign the Athletics Coaches Charter.
Coaches and Volunteers must make sure that they don't:
Engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay
Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching
Allow children/young people to use foul, sexualised or discriminatory language unchallenged
Make sexually suggestive comments to a child/young person, even in fun
Reduce a child/young person to tears as a form of control
Allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon
Over-train your players
Invite or allow children to stay with you at your home
Parents and Supporters
Lucan Harriers recognised the significance of parental behaviour and how it can influence young athletes. Parents should be there to support the running of the club. As supporters they should:
Help out when asked – once they are Garda Vetted for parents helping out on a regular basis)
Be enthusiastic and cheer the young people on but not embarrass them
Never argue with the coach or official in public
Drop their young person off and collect them on time – stay with them if 12 and younger
Listen to any concerns the club may have
Make sure the young people have the correct clothes/runners/food/water
Parents and young people should be provided with a copy of the guidelines contained within this policy about their responsibility and expectations, to sign and return an acknowledgement of their agreement to behave to an agreed standard.
Item description
Just like coaches and volunteers, young people have responsibilities to make the activity fun and safe. This means respecting the coaches, volunteers and other athletes who are there to help young people by:
Not being disruptive or disrespectful to the coach, coach's helpers or other club members by words or actions.
Being prepared and on time for sessions/training
Doing their best at all times
Giving their friends a second chance if they make a mistake
Welcoming new members
Saying NO to bullying.
A young person’s experience of sport should be guided by what is best for the young person. The stage of development and the ability of the young person should guide the type of activity provided within a club environment. Adults will need to have a basic understanding of the needs of young people, including their physical, emotional and personal needs. Sport gives young people an opportunity to be part of a team and to learn and develop skills; the sporting environment should be regarded by children as a safe place.
Within Lucan Harriers, we want children to have fun and develop skills in a safe and Fair Play environment where standards of behaviour are adopted at ALL times.
We recognise that competition and winning is an important goal, but winning at all costs does not meet the needs of young players
Lucan Harriers are aware that there are increasing numbers of children leaving athletics at a certain age. A number of the most common reasons given are: that athletics was no longer fun, overemphasis on winning, and competing against all other sports. All coaches within Lucan Harriers strive to combat these challenges and work very closely with our juvenile athletes.
Therefore, everyone involved (athletes, coaches, volunteers and parents) have to make every effort to ensure that we keep a balanced approach to competition, make sure all athletes get a chance to compete and strive to keep the fun element within the juvenile section.